Energy Healing & Intuition Medicine®

Energy Healing Intuition Medicine corte madera california

Energy Healing & Intuition Medicine®

An integrative system that combines the practice of medical intuition and multiple energy healing modalities to treat energetic, spiritual and emotional conditions that are often the root cause of various physical ailments.

Intuition Medicine® is a system of energy healing as developed by Francesca McCartney PhD and taught at the Academy of Intuition Medicine® in Sausalito, CA.  Employing the use of multiple forms of energy honed through extended hours of meditation and training of one’s intuition, this complimentary and alternative medicine utilizes these skills to help patients heal on an emotional, energetic and spiritual level.

The roots of energy healing date back to a variety of ancient traditions, including Chinese and Indian medical systems, which brought us the understanding of the flow of qi in the body, the aura and the seven chakras (major energy centers in the body). Through the use of qi gong, tai chi and pranayama (breathing exercises), these traditions taught students to harmonize, strengthen and create flow in their qi to treat and prevent illness. Indigenous shamans also were revered by their communities for their ability to work with the energetic and spiritual maladies facing their people.

Energy work is also powerful at helping patients process difficult emotions / emotional trauma by helping the stuck energy of these emotions, often somaticized in the body, to release. There are also various Chinese medicine defined energetic systems where we store these emotional wounds, which can be accessed through acupuncture and processed through the use of Intuition Medicine® and energy healing.

When working with patients who have had physical complaints, it was at first surprising to me how often there was an energetic or spiritual component to the condition. In our practice, we have seen a wide range of symptoms resolve or greatly improve, often where other forms of medicine were not successful, through the use of energy healing. From mysterious ten-year-old back pain completely disappearing to chronic irritable bowel syndrome getting 80% better after one treatment, it no longer surprises us how often this form of medicine should be employed when working with patients. It also is incredibly synergistic with the use of acupuncture and the combination is profound.

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