Deep Tissue Massage

deep tissue massage therapist marin

Medical Healing Massage Specialties

Leigh specializes in:

  • Deep tissue massage
  • Sports therapy massage
  • Swedish massage
  • Myofascial release technique
  • Oncology massage
  • Orthopedic massage
  • Prenatal massage
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Neuromuscular massage

Deep Tissue Massage applies the use of heavier and sustained pressure on muscles, the myofascial layer, adhesions, scar tissue, and sometimes tendons and ligaments. The methods used vary and can include any combination of cross friction, pointed pressure, the use of forearms, thumbs, kneading, and implementing a tool to reach deeper layers.

Wellspring Acupuncture‘s talented deep tissue massage therapist, Leigh Erickson, is highly skilled at finding the perfect threshold of pressure for each muscle that is needed for it to release. She also discovers new areas needing focus and resolves tension effectively. Since too much pressure could damage the muscle and cause excessive soreness, it is important to see a skilled massage therapist like Leigh, who works slowly and carefully to ascertain what is best for each client.

Why is deep tissue massage so beneficial?

Many people live with a tight myofascial (muscle and fascial connective tissue) layer and tension in their muscles that restrict movement. This in turn creates a greater possibility for injury and requires deeper massage work to resolve. When we experience an injury to a part of our body, we often also create scar tissue, which impedes the healing process. Deep tissue massage is highly effective at breaking this scar tissue up, so your body can heal.

The body has many layers of muscle and it is nearly impossible to release the deeper layers without deep pressure or heat. When deeper layers of muscle, tight tendons and ligaments are addressed, many chronic painful conditions can be relieved and eventually resolved. Deep tissue massage is a critically important method and is needed by a large part of the population of us who just always feel “tight.” Miraculously, the pain you feel can often be addressed in one session with Leigh, as she applies the right combination of deep tissue methods.

Ready to Get Started?